

目前显示的是 2009的博文

Click for NetBeans plugin 1.0 is avai...

Click for NetBeans plugin 1.0 is available now. I am very pleased to announce that the first version of Click for netBeans plugin is available now. You can get it from the Kenai.com or NetBeans plugin portal. Click i s a simple, but effective and component based web framework, it hosts on the Apache as a incubator project. This plugin bring basic Click support for NetBeans IDE. It includes the following features: 1、 Project creation wizard . 2、 Click Page creation wizard (the interface cloned clickide). 3、Provide basic error checks , hyperlink , code templates , code completion , refacotoring in click.xml file. 4、Also provide hyperlink , code templates , code completion in menu component configuration file. 5、Switch between Page Template, Page Class , Page properties quickly。 This project is open source under GPL, it hosts on kenai.com. Homepage: http://kenai.com/projects/nbx User Forum: http://kenai.com/projects/nbx/forums/user-forum Mail List: http://kenai.com/projects/nbx/lists Bu...

NetBeans Struts2 plugin updates

NetBeans Struts 2 plugin updates NetBeans Struts 2 plugin ( http://nbstruts2support.dev.java.net )is not updated for a long time. I checkout the source code and made some modification to the latest NetBeans IDE 6.7. 1.Update Struts library to the latest stable version 2.1.6 2.Update to the latest web framework API。 3.Redesigned configuration panel and provide more flexible configuration options 4.Other modification to Struts 2.1. Download here : https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/201666/nbstruts2.tar.bz2 Struts 2.1 provides next generation Filter to process request , and also provides a new optional Servlet . If you like choose Struts Servlet to process request , you can check "Servlet"  radio box in the "Reuqest processed by" section in the "Main" tab. This will generate some code like the following.    <servlet>         <servlet-name>struts2servlet</servlet-name>         <servlet-class...

Another NetBeans plugin updated - RichFaces

This a small personal update for  RichFaces plugin for NetBeans ( http://nbrichfacessupport.dev.java.net ) . Modification includes: 1. Update richfaces to 3.3.1.GA. 2. Add skin selector to the configuration panel. Then it will generate the following code in web.xml .     <context-param>         <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name>         <param-value>server</param-value>     </context-param>     <context-param>         <param-name>org.richfaces.SKIN</param-name>         <param-value>japanCherry</param-value>     </context-param>     <context-param>         <param-name>org.richfaces.CONTROL_SKINNING</param-name>   ...

I updated two NetBeans plugins

The first one is the Wicket 1.4 support for NetBeans ( http://nbwicketsupport.dev.java.net ). I checked out nbwicketsupport ( http://nbwicketsupport.dev.java.net ) of branch nb_67. And made a slight modification on it for the Wicket 1.4 release version. 1. update wicket libaray to 1.4 release . 2. make wicket framework detect works. 3. update example (Login, Pizaa) application (Using filter instead of servlet, remove jasypt lib dependency ) Some problem I encountered. 1. In a maven web project , add Wicket support causes NetBeans dead. Kill and restart NetBeans, I found it configured correctly. 2. I tried to add some code to disable Wicket configuration and display the configured information on the Framework panel ( in the Project properties) after adding it to the Web project( Struts support use this style). But I do not how to get the "HomePage" from project ( code about it is commented). The second is the Stripes plugin (http://code.google.com/p/stripes4netbeans/). Small ...

Maven support in NetBeans 6.7 m2 ...en

NetBeans has released the second milestone product some days ago. There are many articles on PlanetNetBeans( http://www.planetnetbeans.org ) which were talking about the newest features NetBeans 6.7 will bring. Maven support is a highlight feature of them. Many peoples have praised the Maven support in NetBeans 6.7. I am a maven fan, but after I tried it, I was disappointed. Maven support is an incomplete work now. As described on NetBeans wiki, it supports JEE and Java Web project creation now. I found this functionality is only a short-circuit of the normal "Maven Project". In the second step of the wizard, it only provide a extra Java EE version option. In my idea, it must support: target server selection, project relation (parent Maven module and child Maven module) settings and web framework configuration. For "Web project", ideally, in the project definition panel , it must provide a "Add to existed Enterprise Application" option to add current ma...

Hack JBoss JDocbook Maven Plugin

I've used Docbook to organize my technical document for some years. But I prefered using my custom ant-based publish tools than other tools due to the poor Chinese font support. I've just shared my house-use docbook publish tool on google code ( http://code.google.com/p/hantsy-labs/ ) some days ago. Then I created a group on javaeye.com(one of the biggest java community in China) to discuss docbook usage. Jeff Yu noticed my post on javaeye forum and suggested me to use JBoss JDocbook maven plugin( http://www.jboss.org/maven-jdocbook-plugin ), and complained it is lack of Chinese support at the same time. Given my docbook experience , if you want to use Apache FOP to render PDF and dream beautiful Chinese font support , you must customsize the FOP config file. When I checked out the JDocbook source code and read the core code about pdf render, I found it have no way to use customized FOP config file. I decided to resovle the problem , add serval lines of code , I made a patch ...

A new registeration problem occured...

NetBeans 6.5 patch 2 is available now. As the release note declared , the previous JBoss 5 registration problem is fixed in this patch. This means You can add a JBoss Application Server in Services Windows directly , as you add other app server. 1. Start NetBeans 6.5 , and open the Services Windows. 2.Right click the "Server" node , select Add Server in context menu. Unfortunately, I got a NullPointerException. I try to do this in another way . Open Server manager from Tools->Servers menu , click add Server button and then encounter the same problem. This is a bug reported in NetBeans bugzilla , as report #123180 . It is awfully boring. Update: From the www.planetnetbeans.org , a blog entry named " NetBeans, JDK Update 12 and Server Registrati " reports the same problem. The reason is that NetBeans 6.5 runs on the newest JDK 6 update 12. I've just updated it to update 12. Downgrade jdk to update 11 or wait for the ...

Registering JBoss 5 GA in NetBeans 6.5 under Fedora 10

JBoss 5 is GA for some days, but NetBeans 6.5 dose not support JBoss 5.0.0 GA. I use google and find the solution to fix the problem. Follow this blog entry, Registering JBoss 5.0 in NetBeans 6.5. Simple copy several jars from JBoss common lib directory to the instance lib directroy. Enter the JBoss home directory and enter common/lib directory. [hantsy@localhost jboss-5.0.0.GA]cd common/lib [hantsy@localhost lib]cp jboss-javaee.jar jboss.jar jbosssx.jar jmx-adaptor-plugin.jar jnpserver.jar log4j.jar ../../server/default/lib/ It is simple. Now you can add JBoss 5 to the Server node in NetBeans Services Windows. But I encountered another problem under Fedora 10. When I start JBoss 5 from NetBeans Service panel. It failed with the following error message. The transaction service port is used by another application. [hantsy@localhost ~]$ sudo netstat -apl|grep 4713 [sudo] password for hantsy: tcp 0 0 *:4713 *:* LISTEN 24723...