

目前显示的是 二月, 2009的博文

Hack JBoss JDocbook Maven Plugin

I've used Docbook to organize my technical document for some years. But I prefered using my custom ant-based publish tools than other tools due to the poor Chinese font support. I've just shared my house-use docbook publish tool on google code ( http://code.google.com/p/hantsy-labs/ ) some days ago. Then I created a group on javaeye.com(one of the biggest java community in China) to discuss docbook usage. Jeff Yu noticed my post on javaeye forum and suggested me to use JBoss JDocbook maven plugin( http://www.jboss.org/maven-jdocbook-plugin ), and complained it is lack of Chinese support at the same time. Given my docbook experience , if you want to use Apache FOP to render PDF and dream beautiful Chinese font support , you must customsize the FOP config file. When I checked out the JDocbook source code and read the core code about pdf render, I found it have no way to use customized FOP config file. I decided to resovle the problem , add serval lines of code , I made a patch ...

A new registeration problem occured...

NetBeans 6.5 patch 2 is available now. As the release note declared , the previous JBoss 5 registration problem is fixed in this patch. This means You can add a JBoss Application Server in Services Windows directly , as you add other app server. 1. Start NetBeans 6.5 , and open the Services Windows. 2.Right click the "Server" node , select Add Server in context menu. Unfortunately, I got a NullPointerException. I try to do this in another way . Open Server manager from Tools->Servers menu , click add Server button and then encounter the same problem. This is a bug reported in NetBeans bugzilla , as report #123180 . It is awfully boring. Update: From the www.planetnetbeans.org , a blog entry named " NetBeans, JDK Update 12 and Server Registrati " reports the same problem. The reason is that NetBeans 6.5 runs on the newest JDK 6 update 12. I've just updated it to update 12. Downgrade jdk to update 11 or wait for the ...