VMware(the SpringSource's mother company) provides a PAAS cloud service(aka CloudFoundry.com), you can easily deploy your application into CloudFoundry.com via Roo CloudFoundry addon or CloudFoundry.com client tools. And VMware also provides a Eclipse IDE plugin, with which you can deploy the application into CloudFoundry in IDE, just like deploy into your local server instance. Configuration for CloudFoundry The following steps are based on the project we have created in before post. Add cloudfoundry dependency in your pom.xml . <dependency> <groupId>org.cloudfoundry</groupId> <artifactId>cloudfoundry-runtime</artifactId> <version>0.8.2</version> </dependency> Configure a cloud data source in spring configuration file applicationContext.xml . <beans profile="cloud"> <cloud:data-source id="dataSource"/> </beans> CloudFoundry also supports other service, such as MongoDb,...