Sometime we need to keep track with the change of the Entity, eg.
- When it is created
- Who created it
- Last modified date
- Last modified by somebody
Implement via JPA
JPA specification provides a complete lifecycle of an Entity, which is easy to archive those purposes.
An example(dummy codes).
@Entity public class Conference{ private User createdBy; private Date createdDate; private user lastModifiedBy; private Date lastModifiedDate; @PrePersist public void prePersist(){ setCreatedBy(currentUser); setCreatedDate(new Date()); } @PreUpdate public void preUpdate(){ setLastModifiedBy(currentUser); setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); } }
In this example, the method
annotated with @PrePresist
indicates it will be executed before em.persist
(em is stand for jpa EntityManager) is executed.
will be executed before em.merge
is executed.
JPA also provides a
feature. Using EntityListener, the lifecycle hook methods can be placed in a centered class.
Here we created two base entity classes,
identifies the entity can be persisted, it includes a id and version property. AndAuditableEntity
extends PersistableEntity
, adds some addtional properties.@MappedSuperclass public class PersistableEntity implements Serializable{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "id") private Long id; @Version private Long version; }
@MappedSuperclass @EntityListeners(value = { AuditEntityListener.class }) public class AuditableEntity extends PersistableEntity{ @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "created_by") private User createdBy; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(name = "created_date") private Date createdDate; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "last_modified_by") private User lastModifiedBy; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @Column(name = "last_modified_date") private Date lastModifiedDate; }
is the base Entity class which defines the all auditing properties. It will apply an EntityListener AuditEntityListener
class at runtime.public class AuditEntityListener { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(AuditEntityListener.class); @PrePersist public void prePersist(AuditableEntity e) { e.setCreatedBy(SecurityUtil.getCurrentUser()); e.setCreatedDate(new DateTime()); } @PreUpdate public void preUpdate(AuditableEntity e) { e.setLastModifiedBy(SecurityUtil.getCurrentUser()); e.setLastModifiedDate(new DateTime()); } }
and @PreUpdate
methods can accept an object which will be passed into the related method of EntityManager
Any classes extends
will be listened byAuditEntityListener
.@Entity public class Signup extends AuditableEntity { }
Obviously, the second solution is more flexible and maintainable.
Auditing from Spring Data JPA
Spring Data Commons defines some classes for auditing, currently only the Spring Data JPA module provides complete implementation.
Utilize the Spring Data facility
Spring Data provides two basic interfaces.
indicates the class is a persistable class, anyPersistable class could be indentified by a id property.Auditable
is an interface defines all required properties for auditing an Entity, it is inherited fromPresistable
Spring Data JPA provides two abstract classes to implement these interfaces.
, annotates idproperty with@Id
to indicate it is a JPA primary key.AbstractAuditable
, and the auditor type is a acceptable type argument passed intoAbstractAuditable
An example to demonstrate these.
@Entity public class Conference extends AbstractAuditable<User, Long>{ }
Spring Data JPA provides a generic EntityListener to track the
You must configure it in the orm.xml(/src/main/resouces).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <entity-mappings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0"> <persistence-unit-metadata> <persistence-unit-defaults> <entity-listeners> <entity-listener class="" /> </entity-listeners> </persistence-unit-defaults> </persistence-unit-metadata> </entity-mappings>
You have to create a empty persistence.xml in the same folder, or the
does not work as expected, even you have declared a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
which does not force you to provide a persistence.xml
configuration. Maybe this is an issue of Spring.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <persistence-unit name="persistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"/> </persistence>
Next, you must create an
implementation bean which implements how to fetch auditor, generally it is the current user in the real world application. Spring will inject the auditor into AuditingEntityListener at runtime.@Named(value="auditorBean") public class AuditorBean implements AuditorAware<User> { private static final Logger LOGGER=LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuditorBean.class); private User currentAuditor; @Override public User getCurrentAuditor() { // Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); // // if (authentication == null || !authentication.isAuthenticated()) { // return null; // } // // return ((MyUserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal()).getUser(); LOGGER.debug("call AuditorAware.getCurrentAuditor("); return currentAuditor; } public void setCurrentAuditor(User currentAuditor) { this.currentAuditor = currentAuditor; } }
In the real world application, the current authenticated user can be fetched from
Declare a <jpa:auditing/> in Spring configuration to enable auditing feature in the project.
<jpa:auditing auditor-aware-ref="auditorBean"/>
Now write some codes to test the auditing.
@Test @Transactional public void retrieveConference() { Conference conference = newConference(); conference.setSlug("test-jud"); conference.setName("Test JUD"); conference.getAddress().setCountry("US"); conference =; em.flush(); assertTrue(null != conference.getId()); conference = conferenceRepository.findBySlug("test-jud"); log.debug("conference @" + conference); assertTrue(null != conference); assertTrue(conference.getCreatedBy() != null); assertTrue("hantsy".equals(conference.getCreatedBy().getUsername())); assertTrue(conference.getCreatedDate() != null); assertTrue(conference.getLastModifiedBy() != null); assertTrue("hantsy" .equals(conference.getLastModifiedBy().getUsername())); assertTrue(conference.getLastModifiedDate() != null); assertTrue(conference.getCreatedDate().equals( conference.getLastModifiedDate())); conference .setDescription("change desc, the modified date should be updated.");; em.flush(); conference = conferenceRepository.findBySlug("test-jud"); log.debug("created date @" + conference.getCreatedDate()); log.debug("modified date @" + conference.getLastModifiedDate()); assertTrue(!conference.getCreatedDate().equals( conference.getLastModifiedDate())); }
Add auditing to existing classes
If you have some existing entities, and do not modify them to extend
, you can add some annotations to existing classes to implement the auditing feature.@Entity public class Signup { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "id") private Long id; @DateTimeFormat(style = "M-") @CreatedDate private Date createdDate; @LastModifiedDate @DateTimeFormat(style = "M-") private Date modifiedDate; @CreatedBy() @ManyToOne private User createdBy; @LastModifiedBy @ManyToOne private User modifiedBy; }
The date fields can accept
, joda DateTime
Here some test codes.
@Test @Transactional public void testSignup() { Conference conference = newConference(); conference.setSlug("test-jud"); conference.setName("Test JUD"); conference.getAddress().setCountry("US"); Signup signup = newSignup(); conference.addSignup(signup); conference =; em.flush(); assertTrue(null != conference.getId()); assertTrue(null != signup.getId()); Signup signup2=signupRepository.findById(signup.getId()); assertTrue(signup2.getCreatedBy() != null); assertTrue("hantsy".equals(signup2.getCreatedBy().getUsername())); assertTrue(signup2.getCreatedDate() != null); assertTrue(signup2.getModifiedBy() != null); assertTrue("hantsy" .equals(signup2.getModifiedBy().getUsername())); assertTrue(signup2.getModifiedDate() != null); assertTrue(signup2.getCreatedDate().equals( signup2.getModifiedDate())); signup2.setComment("add comment to signup, and the signup is changed, the modified date should be updated.");; em.flush(); signup2=signupRepository.findById(signup.getId()); log.debug("created date @" + signup2.getCreatedDate()); log.debug("modified date @" + signup2.getModifiedDate()); assertTrue(!signup2.getCreatedDate().equals( signup2.getModifiedDate())); }
The Auditing feature from Spring Data JPA is very simple and stupid, and it is useful in the real world application.