Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.4
Spring Boot 1.4 is a big jump, and introduced lots of new test facilities and aligned with the new technology stack, such as Spring framework 4.3 and Hibernate 5.2 and Spring Security 4.1, etc.Spring Boot 1.4
New starter:spring-boot-starter-test
Spring Boot 1.4 brings a new starter for test scope, namedspring-boot-starter-test
.Use the following:
includes the essential dependencies for test, such as json-path, assertj, hamcrest, mockito etc.New annotation: @SpringBootTest
Spring Boot 1.4 introduced a new annotation@SpringBootTest
to unite the old @IntegrationTest
, @WebIntegrationTest
, @SpringApplicationConfiguration
etc, in before versions.A
property of @SpringBootTest
is use for deciding if set up a web environment for test.There are some configuration options of the
.- MOCK is the default, provides a mock web environment.
- NONE does not give a web environment.
- DEFINED_PORT provides an embedded web environment and run the application on a defined port.
- RANDOM_PORT provides an embedded web environment, but use a random port number.
annotation on an int
field will inject the port number at runtime.@LocalSeverPort
int port;
replaces the @Value("${local.server.port}")
of Spring Boot 1.3.Similarly, classes property is similar to the one of
. You can specify the configuration classes to be loaded for the test.@SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class, SwaggerConfig.class})
in Spring Boot 1.3.New JUnit Runner: SpringRunner
Spring 1.4 introduced a new JUnit Runner,SpringRunner
, which is an alias for the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
, and want to use the Spring test context in the tests, declare a SpringClassRule
and SpringMethodRule
in the test to fill the gap.@RunWith(AnotherRunner.class)
public class SomeTest{
public static final SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule();
public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();
Autoconfigure test slice
The most exciting feature provided in Spring Boot 1.4 is it provides capability to test some feature slice, which just pick up essential beans and configuration for the specific purpose based test.Currently there is a series of new annotations available for this purpose.
@JsonTest provides a simple Jackson environment to test the json serialization and deserialization.
@WebMvcTest provides a mock web environment, it can specify the controller class for test and inject the
in the test.@WebMvcTest(PostController.class)
public class PostControllerMvcTest{
@Inject MockMvc mockMvc;
@RestClientTest provides REST client environment for the test, esp the RestTemplateBuilder etc.
These annotations are not composed with
, they are combined with a series of AutoconfigureXXX
and a @TypeExcludesFilter
annotations.Have a look at
@OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
public @interface DataJpaTest {}
annotation to override the default config.@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace=NONE)
public class TestClass{
is a specific @Component
to register custome Jackson JsonSerializer
and JsonDeserializer
. For example, custom
and JsonDeserializer
are use for serializing and deserializing LocalDateTime
public class LocalDateTimeJsonComponent {
public static class LocalDateTimeSerializer extends JsonSerializer<LocalDateTime> {
public void serialize(LocalDateTime value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
public static class LocalDateTimeDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<LocalDateTime> {
public LocalDateTime deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
ObjectCodec codec = p.getCodec();
JsonNode tree = codec.readTree(p);
String dateTimeAsString = tree.textValue();
log.debug("dateTimeString value @" + dateTimeAsString);
return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.parse(dateTimeAsString), ZoneId.systemDefault());
But if you customized a
bean in your configuration, the autoconfiguration of ObjectMapper
is disabled. You have to install JsonComponentModule
manually, else the @JsonComponent
beans will not be scanned at all.@Bean
public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder objectMapperBuilder(JsonComponentModule jsonComponentModule) {
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder();
return builder;
Mocking and spying Beans
Spring Boot 1.4 integrates Mockito tightly, and provides Spring specific@MockBean
and @MockSpy
public class MockBeanTest {
private UserRepository userRepository;
TestConfiguration and TestComponent
and TestComponent
are designated for test purpose, they are similar with Configuration
and Component
. Generic Configuration
and Component
can not be scanned by default in test.public class TestClass{
static class TestConfig{
static class TestBean{}
Spring 4.3
There are a few features added in 4.3, the following is impressive.Composed annotations
The effort of Spring Composed are merged into Spring 4.3.A series of new composed annotations are available, but the naming is a little different from Spring Composed.
For example, a RestController can be simplfied by the new annotations, list as the following table.
Spring 4.2 | Spring 4.3 |
@RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.GET) | @GetMapping() |
@RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST) | @PostMapping() |
@RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) | @PutMapping(value = "/{id}") |
@RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) | @DeleteMapping(value = "/{id}") |
is provided for exception handling, it is combination of @ControllerAdvice
and @ResponseBody
. You can remove the @ResponseBody
on the @ExceptionHandler
method when use this new annotation.For example, in the old Spring 4.2, an custom exception handler class looks like the following.
public class RestExceptionHandler {
@ExceptionHandler(value = {SomeException.class})
public ResponseEntity<ResponseMessage> handleGenericException(SomeException ex, WebRequest request) {
public class RestExceptionHandler {
@ExceptionHandler(value = {SomeException.class})
public ResponseEntity<ResponseMessage> handleGenericException(SomeException ex, WebRequest request) {
Auto constructor injection
If there is a only one constructor defined in the bean, the arguments as dependencies will be injected by default.Before 4.3, you have to add
or @Autowired
on the constructor to inject the dependencies.@RestController
@RequestMapping(value = Constants.URI_API_PREFIX + Constants.URI_POSTS)
public class PostController {
public PostController(BlogService blogService) {
this.blogService = blogService;
can be removed in Spring 4.3.@RestController
@RequestMapping(value = Constants.URI_API_PREFIX + Constants.URI_POSTS)
public class PostController {
public PostController(BlogService blogService) {
this.blogService = blogService;
Spring Security 4.1
The Java configuration is improved.Before 4.1, you can configure
and userDetailsService
via AuthenticationManagerBuilder
protected static class ApplicationSecurity extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {}
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception {
.userDetailsService(new SimpleUserDetailsServiceImpl(userRepository))
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
and passwordEncoder
bean can be detected automaticially. No need to wire them by AuthenticationManagerBuilder
manually. No need to override the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
class and provide a custom configuration, a generic WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
bean is enough.@Bean
public BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
return passwordEncoder;
public UserDetailsService userDetailsService(UserRepository userRepository){
return new SimpleUserDetailsServiceImpl(userRepository);
public WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter securityConfig(){
return new WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {//...}
Hibernate 5.2
The biggest change of Hibernate 5.2 is the packages had been reorganised, Hibernate 5.2 is Java 8 ready now.hibernate-java8 (Java 8 DateTime support) and hibernate-entitymanager (JPA provider bridge) are merged into hibernate-core.
Remove the following dependencies when upgrade to Hibernate 5.2.
, spring-boot-data-jpa-starter
which depends on hibernate-entitymanager. Spring Boot 1.4.0.RC1 and Spring 4.3 GA fixed the issues. But I noticed in the Hibernate 5.2.1.Final, hibernate-entitymanager is back.Hibernate 5.2 also added Java Stream APIs support, I hope it will be available in the next JPA specification.
Source code
Clone the codes from Github account.git clone https://github.com/hantsy/angularjs-springmvc-sample-boot