
JSON-P 1.1

JSON-P 1.1

JSON processing APIs is updated and aligned with Java 8, and provides Stream support for JSON reader.
Let's create an example to demonstrate it.
public class Person implements Serializable {

    private String name;
    private LocalDate birthDate;
    private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
 // setters and getters

public class PhoneNumber implements Serializable {

    public static enum Type {
        HOME, OFFICE;

    private Type type;
    private String number;
 // setters and getters
Assume we have a contact list in json file, we will read it and convert into Person.
        "name": "Duke",
        "birthDate": "1995-05-23",
        "phoneNumbers": [
                "number": "100000",
                "type": "HOME"
            }, {
                "number": "200000",
                "type": "OFFICE"

        "name": "Hantsy",
        "birthDate": "1978-01-01",
        "phoneNumbers": [
                "number": "13812345678",
                "type": "HOME"
Convert JsonArray to Stream via stream method.
public void testJsonStream() {
 JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(JsonpTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/persons.json"));
 List<String> nameList = reader.readArray().stream()
   .map(o -> o.asJsonObject().getJsonString("name").getString())

 assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Duke", "Hantsy"), nameList);

JSON-P 1.1 also added JSON Pointer, JSON Patch, JSON Merge Patch support.
An example of using JSON Pointer to query json node.
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(JsonpTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/persons.json"));

JsonArray arrays = reader.readArray();

JsonPointer p = Json.createPointer("/0/name");
JsonValue name = p.getValue(arrays);

System.out.println("json value ::" + name);
An example of using JSON Patch to update some json nodes.
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(JsonpTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/persons.json"));
JsonArray jsonaArray = reader.readArray();

JsonPatch patch = Json.createPatchBuilder()        
  .replace("/0/name", "Duke Oracle")

JsonArray result = patch.apply(jsonaArray);

Type type = new ArrayList<Person>() {}.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();

List<Person> person = JsonbBuilder.create().fromJson(result.toString(), type);
assertEquals("Duke Oracle", person.get(0).getName());
They are very useful to patch the existing entity when add Http Patch method support in RESTful APIs, we will demonstrate this later in JAX-RS.
Grab the source codes from my github account, and have a try.



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