As you see, Spring Roo is not only a simple scollad tool for code generation, it also try to introduce a new programming model.
With the benifit of AspectJ, Roo try to separate the concern of an entity class.
The entity class itself focuses on the declaration of business fields, and only includes the basic definition of the properties and bean validation declaration, the JPA specific definitions are moved to _Roo_Jpa_Entity aspect, and the toString helper method is included in the _Roo_ToString aspect, the setter and getter methods of the properties are categorized in the _Roo_JavaBean aspect.
As you have seen in the before section, the entity class becomes slim and clean.
Roo will process the .aj files and compile them into classes at compile time. Thus all extra features in the .aj files will be accessible in the entity class at runtime.
In Eclipse IDE, open the Java editor, when you try to get code assistance of the method of class Signup, it will get completion options of all setters and getters of all properties and database CRUD operations. It is same to the later version of Signup class which have been remove all Roo specific features.
In pom.xml file, an aspectj maven plugin is declared, which will help to compile the .aj files into classes.
If you are a developer switched from Ruby on Rails, you will feel this pattern is very friendly.
But if you are Java web developer and familiar with the multi-layered architecture, you will feel a little incompatible. The codes are a little wired to you, especially after you have removed the the Roo specific features, the entity class becomes very fat.
Fortunately, Roo does not force you to choose AcitveRecord pattern in your project. You can freely select if use AcitveRecord pattern or not when you create an entity class. In order to disable ActiveRecord pattern, just need to specify a --activeRecord=false parameter to the entity command when creating an entity class. By default or set --activeRecord=true to the entity command, Roo will apply the AcitveRecord in the entity class.
ActiveRecord try to use single entity class to centralize all entity related operations. But it make the entity class become very heavy in a real world project. if you do not apply the ActiveRecord, you can choose the multi layered architecture, and create Repository and Service layer for your project respectively, the entity class will become very clean which only includes the mapping fields and some none transactional business logic.
In some books or articles, they are called Rich Model and Anemic Model respectively.
After you removed the Roo specific features, compare the Conference class(and ConferenceRepository and ConferenceService classes) and Signup class to get better understand of this pattern.
It looks like this.
Enter Roo console, and execute
More effectively, after you have familiarized with the commands provided by Roo, you can compose a script file firstly and then execute
AspectJ and AOP programming
Roo is heavily dependent on AspectJ, the famous AOP framework, which is a subproject of the benifit of AspectJ, Roo try to separate the concern of an entity class.
The entity class itself focuses on the declaration of business fields, and only includes the basic definition of the properties and bean validation declaration, the JPA specific definitions are moved to _Roo_Jpa_Entity aspect, and the toString helper method is included in the _Roo_ToString aspect, the setter and getter methods of the properties are categorized in the _Roo_JavaBean aspect.
As you have seen in the before section, the entity class becomes slim and clean.
Roo will process the .aj files and compile them into classes at compile time. Thus all extra features in the .aj files will be accessible in the entity class at runtime.
In Eclipse IDE, open the Java editor, when you try to get code assistance of the method of class Signup, it will get completion options of all setters and getters of all properties and database CRUD operations. It is same to the later version of Signup class which have been remove all Roo specific features.
In pom.xml file, an aspectj maven plugin is declared, which will help to compile the .aj files into classes.
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>aspectj-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> <!--NB: do not use 1.3 or 1.3.x due to MASPECTJ-90 and do not use 1.4 due to declare parents issue--> <dependencies> <!--NB: You must use Maven 2.0.9 or above or these are ignored (see MNG-2972)--> <dependency> <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId> <artifactId>aspectjrt</artifactId> <version>${aspectj.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId> <artifactId>aspectjtools</artifactId> <version>${aspectj.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>compile</goal> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <outxml>true</outxml> <aspectLibraries> <aspectLibrary> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aspects</artifactId> </aspectLibrary> </aspectLibraries> <source>${java.version}</source> <target>${java.version}</target> </configuration> </plugin>With the help of AJDT, you can switch between entity class and related the aspect quickly through the markers in the Java editor, you can also open the Cross Reference view to preview the pointcuts and advice.
ActiveRecord Pattern
Roo recommends you always use ActiveRecord pattern in your projects.If you are a developer switched from Ruby on Rails, you will feel this pattern is very friendly.
But if you are Java web developer and familiar with the multi-layered architecture, you will feel a little incompatible. The codes are a little wired to you, especially after you have removed the the Roo specific features, the entity class becomes very fat.
Fortunately, Roo does not force you to choose AcitveRecord pattern in your project. You can freely select if use AcitveRecord pattern or not when you create an entity class. In order to disable ActiveRecord pattern, just need to specify a --activeRecord=false parameter to the entity command when creating an entity class. By default or set --activeRecord=true to the entity command, Roo will apply the AcitveRecord in the entity class.
ActiveRecord try to use single entity class to centralize all entity related operations. But it make the entity class become very heavy in a real world project. if you do not apply the ActiveRecord, you can choose the multi layered architecture, and create Repository and Service layer for your project respectively, the entity class will become very clean which only includes the mapping fields and some none transactional business logic.
In some books or articles, they are called Rich Model and Anemic Model respectively.
After you removed the Roo specific features, compare the Conference class(and ConferenceRepository and ConferenceService classes) and Signup class to get better understand of this pattern.
Multi Layered Architeture | ActiveRecord |
@Entity public class Conference{ } @Repository public class ConferenceRepsoitory extends JpaRepository |
@Configurable @Transactional @Entity public class Signup{ @Transactional public Signup save(){ } } |
Record and Replay
Roo records every command you are using in the Roo console into log.roo file in project folder.It looks like this.
// Spring Roo 1.2.3.RELEASE [rev 7fd62b6] log opened at 2012-12-29 11:49:48 project --topLevelPackage com.hantsylabs.example.spring hint jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY hint entity jpa --class ~.model.Conference --testAutomatically --activeRecord false field string --fieldName name --notNull field string --fieldName description --notNull field date --fieldName startedDate --type java.util.Date --notNull field date --fieldName endedDate --type java.util.Date --notNull field string --fieldName slug --notNull hint hint web mvc web mvc setup web mvc all --package ~.web selenium test --controller ~.web.ConferenceController perform tests //.....You can reload this file in Roo console to create a new Spring application quickly.
Enter Roo console, and execute
command.roo> script --file log.rooIt will execute all commands in the log.roo.
More effectively, after you have familiarized with the commands provided by Roo, you can compose a script file firstly and then execute
command in the Roo console to load the script file to create your scaffold application quickly.